South Meridian PAC
Happy New Year everyone, and welcome back to school. We hope all our families enjoyed a wonderful, relaxing break with family and friends. Our Giving Tree was a great success we were able to support three local families this holiday season! The PAC wants you to know that we have some new and exciting plans for the next six months and we are hoping to get many of you involved. Make sure you are getting the PAC emails so you can stay up to date with all the fun and exciting events that we have planned!Blog
The South Meridian PAC has set up a blog where you can find past PAC newsletters, important dates, list of spirit days, hot lunch information and much more. We are hoping that this will become a tool you use to keep up to date with fundraising events, other school events and all important information. Come check it out at http://www.
Emergency Preparedness Update
One of the PAC's big initiatives this year is to restore the emergency preparedness supplies. In case you are unaware our emergency preparedness container last year leaked which caused severe mold damage to all contents of the container. We brought a mold remediation team in to handle the clean up and unfortunately we lost most of the contents of the container. Working with our emergency preparedness budget this year we will be able to purchase emergency kits for all classes, library, gym, and multi purpose rooms. We will also be purchasing a new container to hold extra supplies. We most likely will need extra toys, games, blankets and tools to help replenish some of these contents. We will keep you updated of our progress through the next few months.
Our goal for fundraising this is year is to be able to provide new iPads to the intermediate classrooms for 2016/17 school year and to replenish our earthquake container.
Other important Information
Next PAC Meeting
Our next PAC meeting will be held on January 21st at 7pm in the library. Everyone is welcome!
District Non-Instructional Day
Calendar Day (* Please Note Change)
The Surrey School District has added its second additional curriculum implementation day on Monday, April 18th, 2016, to the district calendar. There will be no school for students on this day.
New Curriculum
The Province of BC has recently developed and is in the process of implementing a new curriculum. Please click on the following link for more